Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PC STEM : Week of 1/25/10-1/29/10

Hello, STEM Scholars:

I hope that all of you are having a good week.  Please see me about the STEM Fellowship if you haven't already.  Don't miss out on a funding opportunity just for STEM Scholars!

And now for the announcements:
  • Need help completing the Free Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA) for the 2010-2011 school year?  Come to College Goal Saturday this weekend in the PC Computer Commons from 2pm-4pm!  The Financial Aid department will be around to help you renew or initiate your FAFSA while you're at the computer.    Students who appear to be eligible for Financial Aid and apply by the Priority Service Deadlines may qualify to have their tuition due date extended and may be eligible for a book voucher.  The application can be found at  PC's Financial Aid Department web site can be found here. Remember: completing the FAFSA is equivalent to 1 Financial Unit for the STEM Fellowship.
  • Maricopa Grant Applications are being accepted for Spring 2010. You are eligible if you are: 1) enrolled in 3 credits or more; 2) charged in-state tuition and fees; 3) have need as determined by processed FAFSA and 4) are NOT receiving federal financial aid.  For more information and and application, click here.    
  • We have scheduled a tour of the Translational Genomics Research Institute (T-Gen) on March 5 at 2pm.  T-Gen focuses on biomedical research.  For info and to RSVP, click here.    Attending this tour is equivalent to 1 Career Exploration/Development Unit.  
  • The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center and Pathways to Science web sites are excellent resources for students pursuing STEM careers.   Take a moment to browse these web sites. 
Enjoy the rest of your week! 

    Monday, January 11, 2010

    STEM Educational and Career Development Fellowship (STEM ECDF)

    We are pleased to announce the debut of the STEM Educational and Career Development Fellowship!  This fellowship can be used to defray the costs of endeavors related to pursuing STEM degrees.  Examples include the following:
    • Summer or fall tuition for a gateway STEM course
    • Book(s) for a gateway STEM course
    • Registration fees/travel costs for a STEM conference
    • Travel costs for a summer undergraduate research internship
    • Other STEM-related endeavors as approved by Project Director Seth Goodman and Math and Science Specialist Valerie Hernandez.  
    Only current STEM Scholars are eligible for the STEM ECDF.  Other basic criteria include enrollment in at least 6 credits at PC for Spring 2010 and a minimum 2.5 GPA.  If you meet the basic eligibility requirements and are interested in the STEM ECDF, please contact Valerie Hernandez at 602-295-7938 or to make an appointment ASAP.  You must see Valerie in person in order to obtain an application and discuss further criteria. 

    We hope to see you soon!